The Brilliant Branding Of Liquid Death

branding marketing Jul 25, 2024

I’m super excited to share with you one of the most brilliant branding and marketing strategies I’ve seen in years! 

It’s called Liquid Death, it broke all the rules and in less than 5 years from conception is valued at over $1.4 billion dollars!  But more on this in a minute.


Mike Cessario created this brand in 2018 but the inspiration came from attending a heavy metal concert in 2009 that was sponsored by Monster Energy drinks. 

He discovered that the band members didn’t want to drink the energy drinks on stage so Monster created specific branded cans filled with water so that the band members had the appearance of drinking their famous energy drink while performing and yet were staying hydrated with just good old H2O.

It got Mike thinking about packaging healthy products like water in a way that would be unconventional, unapologetically attention-grabbing and fun!


In 2018 he created a 3D rendering of his...

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Books That Shaped My 2023 - A Blend of Personal Development, Fiction, and Royal Revelations!

As I look back on all the books I've read this year, it's like watching the chapters of my own story unfold.

It's been a wild ride of healing, growing, and sometimes just escaping into another world. There's been a bit of everything – from diving deep into my own personal development journey to losing myself in some awesome fiction, and even sneaking a peek into the life of a royal.

Each book has been like a friend, walking with me through the ups and downs, teaching me a thing or two, or just giving me a break from the real world. From getting real about my own life to getting lost in someone else's, these books have been my sidekicks this year.

So here they are, in no particular order:

“Self Care Workbook for Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers" by Ella Lansvale

The title speaks for itself, and my lightbulb moments were abundant from the very first chapter where I kept hearing myself go ‘Yes. Yes. Yes, that’s exactly what it is like!’  This book is...

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How To Power Your Business Growth Through Photography

business photography Aug 03, 2022

Great images can grow your business!  Whether it's a professional headshot or photos that showcase what your business does in a visual story, having quality images help build trust with potential customers.

Without doubt, investing in good photography in my business over the years has brought in 10x the investment.

It refreshes your brand, gives you an energy boost, sparks attention, builds brand awareness and increases leads and sales.

Plus having a stock library of your own images differentiates you from your competitors, many of whom probably use the same generic stock images from image libraries. 

When you have a stock library of your own authentic images you can use them across social media, your website, your business cards, brochures and email signatures bringing continuity in your branding and showcasing your business personality.

In this session my special guest and AMAZING photographer, Sam Hunter joins me to share some great tips including:

  • how to overcome your...
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Let's Chat Financial Statements In Plain English with Malcolm Simister

business finance Aug 19, 2021

When running a business it's important to know your numbers right?

These are important documents that we need to be able to understand so that we can make better informed decisions in our business and yet we often get confused by them and so the value they contain for us to steer our business in the right direction is lost.

Unless we remove the double-dutch and can understand them in plain English.

That's where my guest Malcolm Simister can help.

Malcolm has over 40 years as a Chartered Accountant and has been teaching business owners, CEO's, department heads and executives how to read financial statements for the past 18 years. 

He regularly shares his knowledge at the Institute For Company Directors as well as the Australian Institute of Management.

In this session, Malcolm demonstrates how understanding Financial Statements could have made a profound difference to three different companies and how their problems could have been detected earlier in their Balance Sheet,...

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Let's Chat Hero SEO with Nathan Wade

marketing sales seo Aug 08, 2021

With lockdowns rolling on and off across the country, I thought we could all do with some positive wins so I invited Nathan Wade to share the exact 5 part system he is using to get fantastic results for his clients.

I've known Nathan for around 5 years now when we were members of Superfast Business with James Schramko and currently we are both in a mastermind for Elite Marketers in Australia and we catch up a couple of times a month through there.

Nathan gets some pretty phenomenal results for his clients in a short space of time (check out some of his results here).

And I wanted to know more, so I've invited him to share his system not just with me, but you as well.

In this webinar recording, Nathan shares:

A strategy for doubling your sales (that is so simple - an office junior could do it for you)
How to know exactly where and when to devote your marketing efforts
The biggest marketing mistake that EVERYBODY in your industry is making right now
How to make money from all...

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Cashflow Strategies To Keep You Afloat

business finance Apr 08, 2020

In this Online Panel recording, I invite three experts to share tips on Cashflow Strategies To Keep You Afloat.

Those experts include:

Scott Richards is a CPA Accountant and MBA in Business and has been helping companies with their cashflow strategies for over 20 years and in this session will be sharing practical tips on how to guide your business through this economic impact.

To download Scott's free ebook "10 Cashflow Strategies For A Successful Business" or book in a free 45 minute Cashflow Strategy Session - visit

Gita Hettiaratchi is a Management Accountant and holds an MBA in Business Administration.  Gita has guided businesses for over 20 years financially and has her finger on the pulse of what is happening RIGHT NOW.  Gita shares tips on what Government stimulus is available, your eligibility and how you can access it for your business.

Need more help with this, then apply to have a free consult with Gita at ...

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How To Increase Your Profitability Using Persuasive Selling

business sales Feb 05, 2020

On my recent trip to New Zealand, I was super impressed with the way a glass-blowing gallery called Lava Glass in Taupo created multiple streams of income.

I had seen their advertisement in one of the local attraction magazines from the Information bureau and was immediately captured by the images of the sculpture garden, plus I love to see glass-blowing in action, so I put it on the must-do list.

A short drive out of town we found the gallery and headed inside.

Upon opening the door you immediately step into their gallery/shop which was beautifully laid out with lighting used to highlight many of the pieces and showcase the craftsmanship (which you can see with the display in the background of the image below)

You are greeted by a friendly sales assistant who asks if you have been to the gallery before and then given a quick explanation on where to find everything...and this is where their persuasive (and elegant) sales process starts.

But before I get into that, let me share the...

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My EPIC Journey (beware...cute animals will be shown)

general Jan 06, 2020

The end of 2019 has seen the most catastrophic bushfire season across Australia.

Many of us have experienced feelings of overwhelm, heartache, frustration and anger at what has (and at the time of writing this, still is) happening.

When our emotions rise like this, we tend to start pointing fingers and laying blame as a way to vent those emotions.  Alternatively, we roll our sleeves up and get in and help in whatever capacity we have available to us.

I chose the latter option and this year volunteered as a transport driver for The Rescue Collective (an NFP organisation that provides much needed supplies to rescuers and carers of animals and wildlife)

But I never expected to spend 5 days across the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020 driving from Brisbane to Cairns and back in a truck!

It was so worth it to see the joy and pure gratitude on the faces of the rescuers and of course, to get to cuddle the animals along the way.  So I thought I would share a little of the EPIC...

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What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From A Young Sylvester Stallone

Being in business is tough! And if you want to succeed you have to be prepared to go the distance and put the work in.

Too many entrepreneurs are pinning their hopes on having overnight success. That if they hang their shingle out, people will come. They are hoping that their Facebook or LinkedIn or Instagram or YouTube post will go viral and they can sit back and rake in the riches.

Unfortunately, this misconception is being sold all the time all over the internet. That you can make hundreds of thousands of dollars doing XYZ in a matter of months.

Sorry I have to call BS on that one!

The truth is that most overnight successes in business have at least 3 years of hard graft under their belts to reach that level of success.

There are four important elements to reach that success:





Most people know or have watched the Rocky movie, but very few people know the story behind it.

You see, Sylvester Stallone had a goal to be an actor but got rejection after...

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Your Prospects Journey Through Your LinkedIn Profile

business linkedin marketing Sep 12, 2019

If you are using LinkedIn to generate leads and sales then how you set up your profile is critical to your success.

Many people still treat their profile as a resume holder putting in their position and duties which is okay if you are job hunting but not if you are prospecting.

The thing is, your prospects don't care about your title as much as they care if you can help them.

When someone visits your profile they will be looking at certain elements that will answer in their mind whether you are someone who could hold the key to what they are looking for.

Your Profile Photo
We know that people do business with those they know like and TRUST and having a great profile photo will help to make them feel trust toward you.  In fact, LinkedIn shared that a good profile photo will generate 21 times more profile views and 9 times more connection invites!

Instead of putting your title in your headline (ie:  Director at Julie Mason International Pty Ltd), put your value...

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