What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From A Young Sylvester Stallone

Being in business is tough! And if you want to succeed you have to be prepared to go the distance and put the work in.

Too many entrepreneurs are pinning their hopes on having overnight success. That if they hang their shingle out, people will come. They are hoping that their Facebook or LinkedIn or Instagram or YouTube post will go viral and they can sit back and rake in the riches.

Unfortunately, this misconception is being sold all the time all over the internet. That you can make hundreds of thousands of dollars doing XYZ in a matter of months.

Sorry I have to call BS on that one!

The truth is that most overnight successes in business have at least 3 years of hard graft under their belts to reach that level of success.

There are four important elements to reach that success:





Most people know or have watched the Rocky movie, but very few people know the story behind it.

You see, Sylvester Stallone had a goal to be an actor but got rejection after...

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The Dark Side of Entrepreneurship

Starting your own business sounds like a bed of roses right?

You get to be your own boss.
You get to work your own hours.
You get to do what you love.
You get to spend more time…at the beach/with the family/fishing/whatever floats your boat right?

It’s the dream drifting through the head of every budding entrepreneur.

Don’t get me wrong…I celebrate those who are willing to start their own business.

I’m one of them.

But there is a dark side to entrepreneurship that many people don’t talk about.

Let me tell you, it can be very lonely.

You’ll find yourself in a bubble where the only other people who will understand what you’re going through are other entrepreneurs.  While your family and friends might be proud of you, they are watching safe from the sidelines. They aren’t the one in the arena with the blood and sweat on their brow.

Perhaps you head off to attend your local business network breakfast where you meet...

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