Your Prospects Journey Through Your LinkedIn Profile

business linkedin marketing Sep 12, 2019

If you are using LinkedIn to generate leads and sales then how you set up your profile is critical to your success.

Many people still treat their profile as a resume holder putting in their position and duties which is okay if you are job hunting but not if you are prospecting.

The thing is, your prospects don't care about your title as much as they care if you can help them.

When someone visits your profile they will be looking at certain elements that will answer in their mind whether you are someone who could hold the key to what they are looking for.

Your Profile Photo
We know that people do business with those they know like and TRUST and having a great profile photo will help to make them feel trust toward you.  In fact, LinkedIn shared that a good profile photo will generate 21 times more profile views and 9 times more connection invites!

Instead of putting your title in your headline (ie:  Director at Julie Mason International Pty Ltd), put your value...

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Tips To Follow Up On All Those Business Cards

Do you have a pile of business cards that you’ve collected? Perhaps that pile has morphed into boxes of them!

You know that there is potentially gold hiding in there in the form of leads and sales, maybe a few strategic alliances or a big opportunity that could transform your business, but you’re just not sure how to follow up from this point.

So what’s the next step to maximise this potential and sift out the gold that’s hiding in there?

You can watch the video on the link below now or keep reading for all the tips 🙂

Video - Tips To Follow Up On All Those Business Cards

Well first, we need to avoid making some big mistakes that can break trust faster than Vanilla Ice’s music career.

Mistake #1 – Adding them to your newsletter

Unless they have specifically given you permission to do so, most people really hate being added to a newsletter or email list. Their inbox is already overflowing so adding to that pressure without permission is going to...

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How To Give A Great Referral

Have you ever received a referral to your business that is just plain AWKWARD? You know, where someone says ‘Hey I know someone who really needs your service, here’s their number, you should give them a call?’

Being the diligent business owner that you are, you duly give the person a call only to discover they have NO IDEA who or why you are calling. Yep, totally AWKWARD!

Now imagine how it would feel like to get amazing referrals in your business that practically pre-sold your services before they even talk to you? Sounds great doesn’t it? 

There is an art to building a successful referral business and it starts with YOU.

First you need to become really good at giving GREAT referrals. It’s a little bit like the ‘Golden Rule’...Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you. 

So what is a GREAT referral?

To give a great referral, there needs to be a great process. Your process may differ depending on...

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Top 10 Tips To Using Slideshare For Business

The rise of visual marketing has taken the Internet by storm. Visuals like infographics, picture quotes, graphical presentations and slideshows are used to present information online. This trend has made a great tool to help entrepreneurs get the message across to prospective clients and customers.

What is Slideshare?

Slideshare is a unique channel that allows you to promote content in either PowerPoint presentations, PDF's or video. It has gained a strong response since it was launched online in 2007. has over 500% more business traffic than any other website on the internet, which is one of the reasons that LinkedIn purchased Slideshare in 2012.

Tips On Using Slideshare

To get you started, here are a few tips and hints on how to present your information in a slideshow presentation.


  1. Thought leadership. You are the expert when it comes to you business and you want to share your expertise in a presentation. It is important to...
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